Weekend Wanderings

Weekend Wanderings will be away for the next two weekends. We’re heading out to the Left Coast to meet our new grandchild, who is expected next Thursday. So I’ll be otherwise occupied. In the meantime enjoy the links for this week:

If you are an alternative sports aficionado, you should go here.
This month, pick a holiday or two and celebrate.
Here is a new option.
Just in case you like hummingbirds.
Are you looking for an interesting job?

When you just gotta have oysters!
Wes Anderson investigates Donald Trump.
Something new to fill out when you see the doctor.
Matt Johnson on rules.
More on Rich Mullins.

Do you feel God is silent?
A closer walk.
Zack Hunt disagrees with Robert Jeffress.
Listen, look, linger.

Keith Giles on reading Scripture.
Forgiveness and reconciliation.
Five dynamics of prayer.
You can’t always trust the brochure.
Tired of being right.

Have a blessed week!

2 Replies to “Weekend Wanderings”

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