Weekend Wanderings

I hope you enjoyed your Fourth of July. Mine was good. I worked on Monday and then went with Jan to a celebration that our fair city holds every year. We got rained on, but still were able to see fireworks. On Tuesday our neighborhood had a parade and then a picnic. In the evening we went to a friend’s farm where we celebrated our freedom to eat, drink, and watch rockets shoot into the air and blow up. On Wednesday Jan and I celebrated our thirty-seventh anniversary. Now that the holiday is over, life has settled down a bit. Our new grandson is at home and his parents are settling into life with a newborn.

On to the good stuff:

Key to future jobs?
Looking to have a diverse church?
Searching for safety.
Are you fueling extremism?
Hated? Make sure it’s for the right reasons.

Just in case you need a sermon in a hurry.
Are you one of the elite? I hope not.
The ultimate 4th of July menu.
Are therapy animals really good?

CJ Green on love.
Excellent article. I hope she’s successful.
Len on vision.
Good post on identity.
Peter principles.

Good post from John Frye.
Chaplain Mike on civil religion.
Next exit.
A success story.
Good article from Plough Magazine.

Have a blessed week!

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