Weekend Wanderings

I wasn’t able to post any links last weekend because we were I Georgia with our son and daughter-in-law, who were waiting for the child they are adopting to be born. After some frustration and a bit of worrying, a beautiful baby boy was born. He was a few weeks early, so he is having to spend some time in the NICU. His new parents hope to be able to take him home in a week or so. We are so grateful for the ways we have seen God work in this whole thing, and we are excited to be grandparents. One down, one to go!

Here are the links:

The United States of Xanax.
Good question.
Good story.
Do you have to be happy?
Are you a liturgical snob?

Some vegetarians are not to be messed with.
Finally, a good definition of fake news.
Maybe this self esteem thing has gone a bit too far?
A history of church pews.
Defensive giving.

A story for losers.
God knows.
Good post from Keith Giles.
Spiritual gardens.
The myth of autonomy.

Spelling is important.
Chaplain Mike has some pictures that bring back some good memories for me.
Creepy abandoned cities.
A long strange trip.

Have a blessed week!

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