Weekend Wanderings

Another week has gone by quickly here in the sunny South. Softball season is over and there are just a few days left in the school year. The students are starting to catch a little bit of spring fever, as are some of the teachers. In three weeks, Jan and I will be welcoming an addition to our family. Josh is getting married! It’s hard to believe that we’re old enough to have a son who is old enough to be getting married.:) I’ve heard it said that famous people die in threes. This week, if my count is correct, there were five deaths of folks who were famous for one reason or another. I don’t know, maybe it’s another case of inflation. Anyway, here are the links of the week:
A poem by Andrea Bass.
Good essay from Penny Carothers.
Fasting and feasting.
The last interview with C.S. Lewis (HT: Scot McKnight).
Chaplain Mike wants to ban the adjective, “Biblical.”

J.R. Miller interviews George Barna and Frank Viola.
Love the sinner?
Eric Carpenter writes about recent worship services.
Frank Viola gives 20 reasons why the right and the left won’t adopt him.
In case you ever wondered what radio hosts did while a song played on air.

Good cartoon from naked pastor.
A little girl’s tattoo.
The absurdity of judgement.
Dan Allen writes an open letter to Mars Hill.
No trespassing.

Big and small working together.
Good cartoon from Jon Birch.
Alan Knox has a series on mutuality and the gospel. Part 1 is here.
God doesn’t offer explanations.
Gospels as foundation documents.

I hope you enjoy your week. Remember to get out and smell the flowers!

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