Weekend Wanderings

Another week has slid by. The NBA Finals have started and it is a little reminiscent of the Lakers / Celtics rivalry back in the day. It looks like it may go seven games and should be a lot of fun to watch. The political scene continues to be interesting. I might have some commentary on that in the not too distant future. For now, here are the links:

Is the internet broken?
This is a problem.
Good article.
I think this could be called overreach.
Millennials get accused of all sorts of things.

Cool pictures.
One of my favorite authors has a new book out!
Then there’s this.
Isn’t technology wonderful?
A free drink.

Some good words from Brennan Manning.
Honest words from a former student.
Sin spanx?
Scot McKnight on the Bible.
The gospel according to Gandalf.

Too much to ask?
Good words from Bob Edwards.
One human being.
Part 1 of what looks to be an interesting series from Chaplain Mike.
Good post from Keith Giles.

Have a blessed week!

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