Weekend Wanderings

Winter has made a bit of an appearance here in the sunny South, at least what passes for winter around here. No snow, but the temperatures have dropped below normal the past few days. Basketball season is over. My JV team finished with a win, but the varsity missed out on post-season play. Next year.

Here are some of the good links from this past week:

Arthur Sido on being the church.
What is your church gathering dependent on?
The church as Noah’s Ark.
God is a verb.
Misfits of the church.

Shrinking the gap.
An empire built on love.
Are you looking for a pastoral job?
Zack Hunt on abandoning evangelicalism. Part 1 is here.
John Armstrong on hope.

Sinners in the hands of the prodigal’s father.
Ronnie McBrayer on the “will” of God.
Have you ever felt like this?
A good post from Jon Acuff.

Tim Chester on hospitality and the Gospel.
Andrew Jones on the American church.
Excessive evangelicalism.
Alan Knox on eating and drinking.
This is good. And important.

Have a wonderful week.

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