Weekend Wanderings

This has been one of those weeks that you wish had never happened and that you’re glad is over. I am thankful that the Father is in charge and not me. I know he works and can redeem my mistakes and stumbles. Winter has made a reappearance here in the sunny South, so I’m staying inside as much as possible. At least it’s sunny.

Here’s the good stuff:

Are you thirsty?
Jesus and masculinity.
The word for 2012.
Chip Macgregor on the Father.
Arthur Sido on church clothes.

God’s winning team.
A review of Len Sweet’s new book.
Jared Wilson on bearing with one another.
Looking to the interests of others.
Reputation vs. character.

How much is enough?
On being the beloved.
Good post from Jon Acuff.
Larry Shallenberger reviews All is Grace.
Some good news.

Leaving our preferences at the cross.
Another book review.
“Christian.” m

I hope you have a wonderful week.

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