Weekend Wanderings

Another week has come and gone here in the sunny South. Today the high temperature was 74 degrees with sunny skies. The political season is heating up and it will be interesting to see how long some of the candidates will hang on before calling it quits. The primary here in South Carolina is the 21st. I’m still trying to decide if I really want to even bother with voting. I’m pretty much fed up with both parties as it is, so it’s hard to get excited about any of them. Tonight our group served dinner to about 15 men at a local homeless shelter. As always, we were blessed as much as or more than the men we served.

On to the really important stuff:

Faith and computers.
An iMonk classic.
Rob Merola on relationships (HT: Scot McKnight).
A parable.

The one who loves much.
Think you’re on the back burner?
Marriage as vocation.
The Good Samaritan.
Church and dysfunctional family.

Have you ever felt that God is not talking to you right now?
Arthur Sido talks politics, sort of.
Keith Giles asks a good question.
Jeff Dunn’s non-resolution.
Jesus and masculinity.

God actually cares about those people?
Resolving to be shameless.
Jesus wept….

Have a blessed week.

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