Weekend Wanderings

It’s been a good week. Basketball practice began on Monday, and we have had five good sessions. This years team is a little less experienced than the squad from last year, so the learning curve is going to be a bit steeper. The trees are in full blaze here in the sunny South, and it is beautiful. Of course that means that something will have to be done with those leaves after they fall. I could just let them blow into the neighbors’ yards, but they might not appreciate it.

On to the links:
For the men.
For the women (the rest of us too).
J. Scott McElroy on the arts.
Ronnie McBrayer is longing for home.
Wayward Son on God as sugar daddy.
Jason Elam with some truth about grace.
Jon Acuff has a quiet, loud video.
It’s the time of year where we get an extra hour of sleep. Or, you can stay up an hour longer. Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour. Have a great week!

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