Weekend Wanderings

You know those days when you just wonder why? I had one of those yesterday. The rest of the week went well, as fall has settled in for awhile. We had to bring our plants in for the night because there was a chance of frost here in the sunny South. The world lost another brutal dictator this week. I hope the Libyans end up with a better government.

On to the links:
Arthur Sido on real men.
Alan Knox has a series on running the race. Part 1 is here.
Tim King’s thoughts on an important issue.
Yes, these churches are ugly (HT: iMonk).
This is good.
Let the kids play (HT: Scot McKnight).
Laura Ortberg Turner on disappointment with God.
Jon Acuff on waiting.
Matt on Christmas. Sort of.
Jeff Dunn on dogma.
I hope your weather this weekend is as nice as ours. Have a great one!

One Reply to “Weekend Wanderings”

  1. Sweat it not dude…..I live close to the Ocoee river and we spent an amazing afternoon this past summer racing down the river. It was awesome. To see the river before/after the water release is really cool. Love the analogy the author created in his post.

    Interesting thoughts by Tim King. My brother attends one of Andy Stanley's churches. He's talked a lot about the Recovery Road sermons. I've watched part 1 & 2 on my computer and intend to finish the series this weekend. At the same time, my dad loaned me Charles Stanley's book, "Turning the Tide." I couldn't bring myself to finish it.

    I intend to browse through the other links, but I need to get outside and enjoy this beautiful fall day. The leaves are gorgeous this year.

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