Weekend Wanderings

Fall is here in the sunny South. This morning the thermometer on our back porch read 41 degrees. That’s just a bit chilly for October. We’re ready for some cooler weather, but I know there will still be some hot days to come. Last night we had our first neighborhood dessert night. Jan and I delivered flyers to about 100 families, inviting them to our house. Eight showed up , and we had a nice time meeting neighbors that we didn’t know and getting to know some others better. Everyone enjoyed it, and we’re going to have a second one in December at one of the other homes.

Here are the links:
Here is a fun video.
On “Pulpit Freedom Sunday,” here is an iMonk Classic.
Kansas Bob on people who raise us up.
Jared Wilson on worship.
Ronnie McBrayer asks a good question.
Rich Wagner on sharing.
May your week ahead be filled with the Father’s love.

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