Weekend Wanderings

Two weeks of school have passed, and my schedule has already changed twice. Oh well, I guess it comes with the territory. It’s a bit windy in our little corner of the sunny South as Irene churns up the east coast, but we don’t expect to get any rain out of it. As we head into September it’s looking like things may dry up a little. I’m in a somewhat reflective mood today, because five years ago on this date, I said goodbye to my mom and let her go to be with the Father. I still miss her.

Here are the links for this week:
Arthur Sido on the death of faith.
Dan Edelen on church budgets.
Donald Miller on flaws.
Good advice (HT: Scot McKnight).
Scot McKnight’s new book is out. It’s on my list.
John Armstrong on patriotic music.
Alan Knox on leadership.
The M Blog on the apostles’ teaching.
Have a wonderful weekend. If you are in the path of Irene, stay safe.

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