Weekend Wanderings

The summer vacation is winding down. Next week, the teachers in our district head back for in-service, and the students come back the following Monday. Looking back, it seems like the summer has flown by, although it didn’t seem like it at the time. It’s been a good break, and in one sense I’m sad to see it end. On the other hand, I’m looking forward to some schedule changes that will make some parts of my life better.

Enough about the summer. Here are the links:
Interesting study on changes in the church.
Being Christ-centered (HT: Arthur Sido).
Jeff Dunn walks the broken road.
Lessons from Gomer and Goober.
This is pretty cool.
Alan Knox has a series on a healthy diet for the church. Part 1 is here.
Good article on the Amish response to tragedy (HT: Scot McKnight).
Persistence pays off.
I’m not so sure about this.
Ronnie McBrayer says that hope is a verb.
Have a wonderful week.

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