Weekend Wanderings

After another busy week, this weekend has been packed with things to do. Very good things, so it has been a good weekend. We received some good news that Josh starts a job with an architecture firm on Monday. We are praising God for his provision.

I’ve gotten a bit behind in my reading, but I’ll try to share some of the best of what I have found this week.

I don’t know about this (HT: iMonk).
Should we worry about the world’s oceans?
A good cartoon from nakedpastor.

Reminiscing (HT: Arthur Sido).

Alan Knox on our shared mission.
Ronnie McBrayer writes that there are no relics required.
Enjoy your last week of June.

2 Replies to “Weekend Wanderings”

  1. The consumer compassion article is something I never really considered. To be honest, I was clueless about TOMS.

    I also enjoyed the ocean article. I started teaching environmental science a few years ago and I think we have reason to worry about the damage.

    Loved Refusing to trust what we think we understand link.

    I continue to look forward to your Weekend Wanderings. Congratulations to Josh on his new job.

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