Weekend Wanderings

Here in the sunny South, it seems we are going to skip spring and go straight to summer. It’s been in the high 70s, low 80s the last few days. Josh and I went into Charlotte today for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and festival. The parade lasted almost 2 hours, so we skipped the last part of it and went in search of food and beverage. I had a corned-beef sandwich and washed it down with a Guinness, followed by a Black and Tan. I’ve never had one of those before. It was quite tasty.

There’s been a lot going on this week, from the continuing problems in Japan to the military action in Libya. Sometimes it seems that all that ever happens in the world is war and disaster, but thankfully that’s not the case. Here are the links for the week:

Martha of Ireland has some good things to say about celebrating St. Patrick’s Day.
John Dyer’s thoughts on blogging. Chaplain Mike’s response.
Is evangelicalism at a tipping point? Scot McKnight weighs in.

Jesus at ground zero.
Jesus contends with religion.
Jesus of the Scars.
The original formula.

Alan Knox on adorning the doctrine of God.
Matt says that nobody really loves freedom.
Dan Allen has a good series on depression. The first post is here.
Jared Wilson says we need to change the subject.

Pray for American troops involved in the military action in Libya, and for the Marines in Japan helping with the growing nuclear disaster. Gave a great weekend.

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