Weekend Wanderings

It’s chilly here in the sunny South. A snowstorm dropped a decent amount of snow not too far from us, but we only ended up with a dusting. The NFL playoffs begin this weekend, so I imagine a lot of folks are going to be spending a bit of time in front of their televisions. My favorite teams are out so I’ll be watching just to see some hopefully good football.

Enough small talk. On to the good stuff:

Stop worrying!
Love, or a lack thereof.
Op ed by Jonathan Edwards, of all people.
Good post from Chad West.
The hyper-examined life.

This shows some promise.
The monks of Mount Athos.
The birth of brunch.  
Leaders or lemmings?
A terrible loyalty.

Cool new electronics.
Classic post from Michael Spencer.
Guessing wrong.
Keith Giles on cultural blind spots.
Conversational bodies.

2016 in pictures.
Jonathan Storment on seeing the cross.
Wagging tongues.
Good post from Adam Morton.
This may not have been such a good idea.

Have a blessed week!

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