We finally got rain here in the sunny South, after about a month and a half of dry weather. The liquid sunshine came down Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday. The grass is turning back to its regular green color and is growing again. Of course, that means mowing. I hope I still remember how.

There’s a lot of good people writing a lot of good stuff out there. Here is a sampling:

Dan Edelen says we should bury the Proverbs 31 woman.
Al says that diversity is the key to adversity.
Chaplain Mike admits that he doesn’t get it.
Jake Belder doesn’t like the Gospel vs. religion distinction.
Richard Dahlstrom on the political problem of two kingdoms.
Tim Hill on shelf life.
Jared Wilson gives his 10 reasons for the institutional church.
Jordan Cooper gives his thoughts on church.
Scot McKnight has a good series on hell. Part 1 is here.

Saved in the nick of time.
Kill the spirit of fear.
Learning or winning?
Imitation as flattery.
Don’t be religious.
I want one of these.

I’m looking forward to a restful weekend. Monday is Jan’s birthday, so if you know her, please
wish her a happy one.

Have a great weekend.

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