Weekend Wanderings

This is the weekend we say goodbye (farewell, good riddance) to 2016 and hello to 2017. A lot of individuals departed from this life during the past year but, contrary to what seems to be public opinion, the year didn’t kill anyone. There are any number of theories as to the number of people who have died. You are welcome to pick whichever one suits you. We’ll see what comes to pass in 2017.

On to the good stuff:

See if you agree with this list of top ten films of 2016.
Be careful with those Christmas cards.
Dominick Santore on the new year.
Evidently, this almost didn’t happen.
Christmas shipwreck.

In case you go to a lot of meetings.
The myth of self control.
Another 2016 list.
Finding freedom.
Getting better?

Here is something I never noticed.
Yet another 2016 list.
Good post from Chaplain Mike.
About time!
Karl Vaters asks a good question.

Witness to the powers.
The long goodbye.
The Babylon Bee gives us their list.
Zack Hunt on 2016.

Have a blessed week!

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