I’m watching the X-Games on TV tonight. The tricks they do are pretty amazing. What is also amazing are the links this week. How’s that for a segue?

Here are the links:
During the World Cup, Josh and I were joking about what might happen to the team from North Korea after they lost all their matches. Well, here is what did happen. At least they are still alive.

Bob Hyatt has some good thoughts on a touchy subject.
This must be stopped. (HT: Scot McKnight)
Should Christians covet poverty?

Jeff Dunn on Anne Rice leaving Christianity.
Becoming a community of Pharisees.
Are small business owners wealthy fat cats?
Scot McKnight is imagining. Part 1.

Jesus or “Christian?”
Just love.
Just love some more.
A long pause from impermanence.

Here in the sunny South it’s supposed to be a bit cooler the next couple of days. I hope you thoroughly enjoy your weekend. Thanks for reading my blog.

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