After a warmer than usual June here in the sunny South, July’s temperatures have started out going in the opposite direction. We may see record low temperatures the next couple of nights. Of course, that makes the days and nights much more comfortable.

I know that all of you missed TGIF terribly last week, so we’ll get right to the links:

Ministering money the New Testament way.
The power of love.
This should be interesting.
This should be great!

Tough question.
Just in case you’re looking for a new way for your church to celebrate the 4th. Just be careful what you worship.
Christian porn.

Great price for a “fixer-upper” of sorts. (HT: Scot McKnight)
Maybe some people have too much time on their hands.
Knit together by grace.
Discipleship and a lawn mower.

Have a great weekend! If you set off fireworks, please don’t blow yourself up.

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