Weekend Wanderings

It’s getting a bit chilly here in the sunny South. We’re finally getting some rain and the mountain wildfires are being contained after devastating a large chunk of real estate. The college football season is winding down and the debate over how many teams should be included in the playoffs begins anew. The roads are getting more crowded as folks are getting their Christmas shopping in.

On to the good stuff:

Death and the gospel.
Sending them away.
Keeping a soft heart.
Now you know why.

I guess it’s still a question.
History lesson.
Good idea.
Never a waste.
Where all the pictures are taken.

Good post from Bob Edwards.
Thoughtful Advent post.
Good post from Christopher Smith.
Tim Suttle asks a good question.
Finding freedom.

An historic birthday.
Why is this a thing?
Interesting post.
Good post from Dan Edelen.

Have a blessed week!

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