It’s Friday again, and another work week has come and gone. I read a preview for Michael Spencer’s book, Mere Churchianity a couple of days ago, and it is a definite must read. I have posted many links to Internet Monk so some you know the quality of the writing and the heart of Spencer, who went home to the Father way too soon. Just from the preview I can tell that this book is important. Buy it.

Here are the links:

A time to sow.
Too much heaven? Part 3.
The people behind the special effects in “Heroes, Season 3.”
Is doubt an eraser?
The creativity of questioning.
Reaching the pinnacle.
Why it’s not about morality.

A tale of two pigeons.
Alan Knox on Hebrews 2:9-11.
Jesus loves me.
A new tip from Bill Kinnon.
Ecclesial imagination.
Between church and state.
I guess I’m part of the problem.

Well, that’s it for this week. Enjoy your Pentecost Sunday.

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