Weekend Wanderings

Today is a good day to stay indoors. It’s rainy and windy as we deal with the weather on the very fringes of Hurricane Matthew. We don’t have the issues that the folks on the coast do. They will have a lot of cleaning up to do and a lot of recovering. Pray for those who have lost property or loved ones. In other news, there are thirty one days till the political ads end.

On to the links:

Steve Brown on living missional.
Matt Johnson is encouraging.
Fred Smith has some wise words.
Jordan Harrell on being a friend.
Evidently, we’ve been had.

Dangers of over parenting.
Losing control.
Kindness and lending.
Idol of suffering.
Thought provoking post.

This is pretty cool.
These are interesting.
This is a shame.
Good post from Jared Wilson.
This seems right to me.

This could change a lot!
Great story!
Matt Tebbe on leadership.
This looks like fun!
Frank Viola asks a question.

Have a blessed week!

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