This week has seen a terrible disaster hit the nation of Haiti, and the tremendous response of many governments, organizations, and individuals. More help will be needed, as the earthquake exposed and exacerbated the problems already there. Please continue to pray and help in whatever way you can.

Here are the links:

Dan Edelen has a vital warning for charismatics.
First hand info from Haiti. (HT: Annedroid)
One story of preventing child trafficking.
An update from iMonk.
Who is my neighbor?

A reminder that the earth is the Lord’s.
I found this to be interesting.
A gentle tension. (HT: Scot McKnight)
Economic indicator? (HT: also McKnight)
Christian joy.

Kansas Bob on Scott Brown.
Jeff McQ wonders what to do now.
Mark Scandrette is living in the questions.
Christianity beyond belief.
No matter which side we’re on, it’s always good to seek to understand those on the other side.

A good question.
Haiti, poverty, and Christianity.
More from Alan Knox on edifying others.
Matt on the B-I-B-L-E.
A missional way for the pro-life passion.

Have a great weekend.

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