This first week back from Christmas vacation has actually gone quicker than I thought it would. It was a nice two week break and we were able to spend some good time with family and friends. I hope your Christmas season was a good one.

Here is some of the good stuff floating in cyberspace:

Here we go again. (HT: Brian McClaren)
Thoughts on the Church and the economy.
An Ordinary Man.
There are days when I think this would be a good idea, although it probably wouldn’t work very well here in the sunny South.

5 reasons not to make New Year’s resolutions.
2009 tech fails. (HT: Scot McKnight)
Matthew Paul Turner is going to Uganda.
One way postmoderns are right.

Ripples and discipleship.
Matt looks back, and then ahead.
Limping while dancing.
Jared Wilson tells us to chill out.
Tim Hill has an interesting discussion.

Don’t sit with the mockers.
But believe more boldly still.
Four posts on the emerging church. Here, here, here, and here. (HT: Tony Jones)
Good thoughts on Christmas.

It’s supposed to warm up here during the next week. I hope your week ahead is warmer as well. Have a great weekend.

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