Today is not only Friday, it is also the last day of school before Christmas vacation. It’s cold here in the sunny South, relatively speaking, and there’s supposed to be a “wintry mix” hitting sometime today.

Enjoy the links:

Shaun Groves replies to those people.
An Advent confession.
New Year’s resolutions.
Lessons from EPCOT.
The truth behind suffering.

Six floors of Sunday School?
Are you putting any of these on your tree?
Christmas vegans.
A good post from Bob Hyatt.
Live nativities.

What or who?
John Armstrong asks if we’ve missed Jesus.
Quotes on learning.
Scot McKnight found this article depressing.

This will probably be the last TGIF of 2009. Next Friday is Christmas Day and I’ll probably not be blogging that day. Enjoy your weekend.

2 Replies to “TGIF”

  1. Hi Fred-Been lurking around here for the past couple of weeks and thought I'd say "hi." Looking forward to visiting your page in 2010. Merry Christmas-amy

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