Another week has come and gone. Basketball season is in full swing, and the days and evenings are packed full of activity. There are two weeks left before Christmas break, and then I’ll have two weeks to relax with family and friends.

As is my usual practice, here are the links:

Imperfect love.
Shane Claiborne in Esquire (HT: Brian McClaren)
What Scot McKnight thinks of The Manhattan Declaration.

Did Jesus ever go to England? (HT: Scot McKnight)
Does anyone remember this?
The Gospel in all its forms.

Heretics changing the world.
God’s best bit of multi-media.
The reconquest of creation.

Camels and needles.
Putting Satan back in Christmas.
The Abominable “O Holy Night.”

Unifying faith and praxis.
Have a merry fair trade Christmas. (HT: Tim Hill)

Good thoughts on the season.
Evangelicalism and special seasons.
This is a good song.

Faith or fear?
Kansas Bob on eschatology.

This Sunday is the second Sunday of Advent. Remember the anticipation of the Jews that the Messiah was to come, and our own waiting for him to return.

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