I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It’s a bit chilly here in the sunny South. Tonight we’re going to go watch a football game between two of the local high schools. The winner plays for the state championship next week. Should be a good one.

Here’s the good stuff for this week:

Consider this as an alternative to the consumerism of the Christmas season.
Good thoughts from the Watchman.
Jake Belder reviews (sort of) Heaven is Not My Home.
Tearing down walls.
Lightening the load.
Thanksgiving, stray dogs, and good invitations.

iMonk has a series on his experiences with an absent Gospel. Part 1 is here.
Required behavior modification and the Gospel.
Three questions.
Kingdom leadership in the postmodern world.
Going tribal?

5 trends affecting the church. (HT: Scot McKnight)
This brings back memories – bad ones.
Where Jesus would live if not for heaven.
This is for the SEC football fans out there.
This is simply amazing.
The great dilemma.

Have an enjoyable weekend.

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