I have a few posts rolling around in my head. If I can ever capture them, I’ll be able to have something on here between TGIF posts. I know, some of you are thinking, “Just give us the links. We don’t care about the rest.” 🙂 Anyway, here’s this week’s links:

A poem and dedication. Here is a contest for writers. Paul Luikart has some words of warning. A good question from Amy. Dan Kimball writes about what is important. All the answers aren’t in the lecture. Can we be too God-centered? Here’s a post about the TNLLB. Here’s a new term: Christianism.

These are some interesting album covers (HT: Brother Maynard). Greg Boyd reviews the Patriot’s Bible. The truth about the swine flu. Tim Hill on restoration.

Enjoy your weekend.


Summer is getting closer. There are only eight days left in the school year, and I think all the students (and teachers) are ready for a break. We planted a garden this week. We’re trying to grow tomatoes, beans, and pomegranates. We’ll see how that goes. In a couple of weeks, we’re flying out to California to see Jennie.

Here’s the interesting stuff:

Amy thinks you should be you. Molly is looking forward to summer (a big Amen to that). Are American Christians selfish? Good question. This is good. Funny video, especially at the 1:39 mark. iMonk is mulling over some book ideas. Do you trust the abbreviated Jesus?

Next Reformation discusses evangelism methods. Scot McNight has a good series on Justification and New Perspective. Part 1 is here. Good thoughts from John Frye. Jonathan Brink on dealing with evil. Do you know the answer to this question? Hurricanes and change. More disturbing news from the franchise church front. What if the church was invisible?

That’s it for this week. Have a great weekend!


Friday, Saturday, who’s counting? This was a crazy week. We did the annual testing this week and the schedule was nuts. But we survived.

There’s a lot of interesting things going on out there in Blogdom. Here is this week’s sampling:

Good thoughts about celebrating holidays in church. Called by God? Does Jesus need a new PR campaign? No risk = crap (HT: Brother Maynard). A couple of good posts by Bob Hyatt, here and here. Have you ever thought about what it might look like if Starbucks marketed like a church? (HT: Jake Belder) Dan Edelen gives out a rare More Cowbell Award. Open mic at the IM Cafe.

iMonk on Jesus’ version of community. Scot McKnight is doing a series on the Kingdom Gospel. Part 1 is here. John Frye on the Dali-ization of the Gospel and Bible. The fine print. Are you awake? If you’re keeping up with Rabbi Encounters (and you should be) Rob Woodrum has another page up.

I hope you have a good weekend.

Just Thinkin’…

In Jesus for President, Shane Claiborne and Chris Haw write, “Rather than placing our hope in a transnational church that embodies God’s kingdom, we assume America is God’s hope for the world, even when it doesn’t look like Christ.”

The church in general has gotten itself caught up in the American Dream, where bigger is better and more is just not enough. I’m sure most of us have heard sermons or statements equating being American with being Christian. As we enter the “patriotic season (Memorial Day, Flag Day, July 4), there will be more of that thing in churches across the land. We seem to be as worried, if not more worried, about threats to our American way of life than about those who are less well of than we are. The current economic crisis has many Christians as scared as those who do not follow Jesus.

Evangelical leaders bemoan the decline in the number of people who identify themselves as Christian, and the decline in church attendance. The fear is that America will lose its identity as a “Christian nation.” We act as if the world will go completely all to hell if America doesn’t remain as powerful as it has been in the past.

Could it be that God is bringing us through these tough times to teach us that our hope is not to be in capitalism (or any other economic system), but is to be in God alone? Maybe we need to be less concerned with the American Dream and more concerned with God’s dream.

Could it be that God is allowing the church in America to decline while the church in other countries thrives to show us that He is not an American god, but is the God who calls all people everywhere to repent and look to Jesus for salvation. The center of Christianity is no longer in the West. It is now in Africa and the East. Millions of people are coming into the Kingdom, and i many places they are doing so without the influence of Americans.

Don’t get me wrong. I love America. It’s the land of my birth, and home to my ancestors for 250 years. I believe that this country has been especially blessed by God, but I don’t believe that it ‘s because we’ve been better than anyone else. I also believe that God governs in the affairs of men and nations, and that He raises up countries for certain purposes. I don’t think this country is going to disintegrate into a bunch of smaller countries, but I am wondering if America’s time has come and gone.

Maybe it’s time we pledge our allegiance to the King and His Kingdom.

How Do You See the World?

There are two basic ways that we, as Christians in America can see the world. The first view is that the world is an evil place, full of enemies of our faith who are out to destroy us. The second view is that the world belongs to our Father and we can see his work in it, moving to a final restoration of creation.

The first view sees a culture war as essential to our survival. The prevailing emotion is fear, fear that the enemies of God will deny us the freedoms to practice our faith, fear that the Church will be destroyed and our way of life will be no more.

While it may be true that persecution may come to us in this country (and I don’t mean losing tax exemptions), that does not mean that our ability to follow Jesus will be hindered. The early Christians faced terrible persecution, yet their faithfulness in following Christ changed their world. Christians today in China, India, Africa, and many other places faithfully practice their faith in the face of intense persecution. I doubt that they are worried about a culture war.

The Church is the Bride of Christ. Does anyone really think that Jesus is going to let anyone destroy his beloved? The Church in America is declining, but that doesn’t mean that the body of Christ as a whole is in trouble. Remember that Jesus said that the very gates of Hell would not stand against his Church. I wonder if the decline in the American way of life is really what some of the culture warriors are worried about.

I prefer the view of the world that sees it as the creation of God. It is a flawed creation, but it is one in which the Father is working and one which he will restore. God is in control, and what he wants to happen will happen. While we here in America may go through some rough times because of our faith, we are children of a Father who loves us more than we can fathom. That alone should give us hope.

In the midst of all the junk, this is still our Father’s world.


This week has gone by slowly. All week I’ve been thinking it’s a day ahead of what it really is. So, I hope this is Friday. 🙂 Our middle school track team competed in the conference meet this week. I drove the bus so I was able to watch the meet for free. I love the atmosphere of a big meet, and watching all the events brought back some good memories of my track doings back in the day.

Enjoy these links:

Good post over on Scot McKnight’s blog. This is excellent, as is this story about one of the greatest coaches ever (HT: Scot Mcknight). A Former Leader writes about New York and discipleship. The point is Jesus. Jonathan Brink on the missional/attractional debate. John Fonville’s quote of the week.

If you’re out in the Los Angeles area, you may be able to hook up with Josh. He’s good people. iMonk reviews Andrew Marin’s new book. You may identify with this. I did. Messy Bibles. Here is a good question. Grace reviews The Furious Longing of God.

May your weekend be filled with grace and blessing.


This has been an interesting week. I spent each day at another middle school hanging out with a student who was transferring from the school I work at. The administration at the new school wanted someone to shadow him so the transition would be smooth, and I was sent over to do that until they could hire someone else. It was a nice change of pace, but I’ll be glad to be back at my regular work on Monday.

Here’s what everyone is waiting for:

Krochet Kids (no that’s not a spelling error). Servolution. Bob Hyatt thinks we should slow down. Is there a legalistic spirit within you? iMonk is doing some spring cleaning, and is trying to become a complementarian. Brian McLaren on America as a Christian nation. (HT: Scot McKnight). Evangelicals on torture. John Armstrong on other victims of Columbine.

Jeff McQ writes on God and secrets, and his brain is aching. You know you want one of these. The most interesting bookstores in the world (HT: Brother Maynard).

Hope you enjoy these links. Have a great weekend!


TGIF is back. I had a good time at the beach last weekend. I was at Myrtle Beach and left about three days before the wildfire hit. If you think of it, pray for the people in that area. There are a lot of folks who have lost homes, and some have lost loved ones.

There was a lot of good stuff out there to read. Here’s a sampling:

Dan Edelen writes another good post. Rich Wagner on God in school. Good poem from Josh. Is this funny or just wrong? iMonk meditates on morality. It’s amazing what you can do with peeps (HT: Scot McKnight). There’s some interesting discussions about women and the church here and here.

The Emmaus Road story retold. What does a post-Christian culture reject? Judgement begins with the house of God. Beautiful, and heartbreaking (HT: Bill at The Thinklings). Todd Hiestand on spiritual formation. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus? Amy writes about quarrelsome Christians.

It’s finally warming up here in the sunny South. In fact, it’s a bit hot. 🙂 Enjoy your weekend.

Those Who Love Little

In chapter 7 of his gospel, Luke tells the story of Jesus at a dinner party at the home of Simon the Pharisee. During the dinner, an immoral woman comes into the room and washes Jesus’ feet with her tears, dries them with her hair, and then anoints them with very expensive perfume. Of course Simon is appalled that this wicked women would dare to interrupt his event, and wonders why Jesus is allowing her to do this to him. Jesus then tells a parable of two men who were forgiven debts, and makes the point that the one who has been forgiven much will love much.

There are a couple of things that strike me about this account. The first is the attitude many who call themselves Christians show toward Jesus. In that time period, it was a common courtesy for a host to provide water to wash the feet of his guest, removing the dust of the journey. It also was customary to give a kiss of greeting and anoint the head of the guest with oil. By doing these things the host showed that he valued his guest and was glad for the visit. Simon did none of those things for Jesus, displaying an attitude of indifference, at best. Simon seems to think that Jesus is very fortunate to have been invited to a dinner at the home of an esteemed religious leader.

It seems that many, by their actions and attitudes, give the impression that Jesus is lucky to have them on his side. The statement by Jesus that we can do nothing without him is forgotten completely, or is explained away. I have heard folks talk about how great it would be if certain talented and famous individuals would become Christians and how much all their fame and talent could do for God. How many have given in to the idea that because I am doing all these things for God, he owes me? We wonder how God can let trouble into our lives when we have worked so hard and been so faithful.

This attitude also comes out in the way we treat others. We withhold forgiveness.We denigrate those who don’t see eye to eye with us. We judge others who don’t appear as spiritual as we try to. We place a premium on looking good in front of people, and spend a great deal of energy creating masks to hide our brokenness. So much of what we do is designed to put everyone, including Jesus at arms’ length from who we really are. At some point we forget just how much we have been forgiven.

By contrast, the immoral women was not interested in hiding who she was. She knew she was a sinner. She knew that Jesus was the only one who could help her, and she was desperate to get to him, no matter what anyone thought. If she had any masks, she left them at home. She not only did for Jesus what Simon should have done, she lavished her attention on him. Many would probably say that she went a bit overboard with her worship. She not only sacrificed an expensive possession, but she also sacrificed any shred of dignity she may have had left. All because she realized how much she had been forgiven.

May we all be reminded of the great love God has shown us in Jesus and the great forgiveness he has given us. May we love greatly.


I’m going out of town this weekend, so TGIF will also be on break. See you next week.