Advent Conspiracy

As we near the Christmas season, I would encourage you to consider doing something different this year. Remember that we celebrate the advent into our world of the One who came to give himself for us and to do for us what we could not do for ourselves. The King has come and his Kingdom is here now as well as coming fully in the future. We are agents of that Kingdom and are called to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. Think about how you can do that this Christmas.

Check out


After two weeks of basketball practice, I’m finding that my voice has a long way to go to be ready for the season. The leaves have changed and are now starting to fall off the trees, so it looks like it’ll be time to take care of that bit of yard work.

Here’s some of the good stuff:

Invisible children.

A pastor abandons his church. (HT: A Former Leader)

Is the end at hand?

Josh ponders the finite.

Could the culture war be ending? (HT: Scot McKnight)

Tyler Dawn has something to say to drive-by commenters. (HT: Jeff McQ)

The Missional Transition Into Chaos.

I get the feeling that Robbymac doesn’t like rules-based religion.

Challenging post from Jared Wilson.

Enjoy your weekend.


N.T. Wright uses the term “muddled” to describe those whose thinking is not altogether organized or clear. That word aptly describes where my head is at right now.

Most of you know that I am in the midst of trying to figure out what it is that God wants me to do concerning “church”, and the timing of that decision. I’m kind of in what imonk calls the “evangelical wilderness”. I’ve been trying for a couple of years to influence the congregation I worship with in a direction that is far different from church as they’ve always known it.

I started reading The Present Future by Reggie McNeal, and God is using it to break my heart and show me the ways I have actually hindered the Kingdom in an attempt to help. I grew up in very conservative churches where the feeling was that as the culture drifted farther and farther from God, the job of the church was to hunker down in the bunker and lob hand grenades of “truth” at the wicked ones who were outside. As my thinking changed I began to think that church was to be a place that was so dynamic, professional, and slickly packaged that it would attract folks to come into the church and be saved. That was my mindset as I began to try and influence change in the church.

Over the past few months, God has been shaping my thinking and showing me that his heart is toward the poor, the downcast, the oppressed. The Father has shown me that his grace is far bigger than I can realize and that attempts on my part to limit grace are not only doomed to failure, but are actually sin. He has shown me that my job is to do two things: go and be. I am to go, not only about my daily life, but intentionally where those away from God are. I am to be an ambassador of the King, a person who shows others the beauty of Jesus and the magnificence of the Kingdom.

Reggie McNeal writes about the mission of the church and how so much of what churches do are more for the comfort of the membership than for the Kingdom. I totally agree that the missio dei, the mission of God, is our calling as followers of Jesus Christ. What has muddled me, and twisted me up in a knot, is that I don’t know what to do next.

I know that what I write may be read by members of the current church (my post Autopsy caused a mini storm), but I have to be open here. I honestly don’t see the church moving beyond the “we need to focus on teaching our people and if the rest of the world ever catches on, they’ll come here ” mentality to a missional one. Because of this, I think my time there is quickly drawing to a close.

The question is, when and how? The pastor is a godly man who I have gotten to know and love over the past couple of years, and I have tried to be supportive of him and his family. He has tried to bring about needed change in the church, but has been met with opposition all along. My heart goes out to him, and that is what makes the decision to leave such a hard one.

I believe now that God is calling me to go down another road on my journey. Where that road will lead, I don’t know. Last Sunday night Jan and I joined with a group for worship and Bible study. Whether that will grow into something the Father wants us to be a part of remains to be seen. There are good people in that group, so even if God widens our circle of friends, it will be good.

Stay tuned to this channel. I’m sure adventures await.

Veterans’ Day

Today is Veterans’ Day. Both my father and father-in-law served in World War II. I am thankful for all those who served this country in the Armed Forces, whether they agreed with the reasons behind the wars or not. War is a terrible thing, and I thank God that in his providence, neither I nor my children have been called to go to war. Those who do go to fight for their country deserve our respect and gratitude.

When you cross paths with a veteran today, thank them for their service.


This week has been historic. No matter who you voted for, it’s good that we have reached the point that an African-American can be elected President. I hope everyone enjoyed their free Starbucks coffee.

I started basketball practice this week. As always, I’m looking forward to the season.

Here’s the good stuff:

Many of the posts are on the recent political happenings. Bob Hyatt weighs in here, Dan Edelen gives us his opinion here, and Rich Wagner throws in his thoughts here.

Continuing a theme, Josh gives us his thoughts. imonk knows why some find the culture wars so appealing, and Jeff McQ writes about change. Jonathan Brink has written a letter to the next President.

Worshiping the Golden Calf? (HT: Michael Spencer)

Brother Maynard reviews Scot McKnight’s Blue Parakeet.

I hope your weekend is enjoyable.

A Prayer


We pray for President-elect Obama. We pray that you would bless him and protect him. We ask that you would enable him to govern with justice, mercy, and humility. Let him know that he is in such a high position because of your grace, and that he is your servant. We pray for his family as they face the pressures of a life far different from what they have known.

We pray for your people. This election season has been more divisive than any other and your Church needs healing and reconciliation. Remind us that, no matter how we view politics, we all serve the True King. Help us to keep our allegiance where it belongs, and to represent the Kingdom of God as ambassadors who tell and show others the beauty of that Kingdom. Instead of being known for our cultural and political views, let us be known for the love that we show others.

Each day, in all we do, let your name be lifted up and hallowed. Let your Kingdom come in our actions and attitudes. Let us do your will on this earth as it is done in heaven. Meet our daily needs, and keep us grateful.
Help us to forgive others because of the great forgiveness you have given us. Keep us from all temptation, and deliver us from evil. The Kingdom, all honor, and all glory belongs to you.


1 Corinthians 13 for the election

If I speak with a silver tongue and can sway hundreds, but have not love,
I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all polls,
and if I have a faith that can move political mountains, but have not love,
I am nothing.

If I give all I possess to the national committee
and surrender my time to run a phone bank, but have not love,
I gain nothing.

Love is patient with those of the other party.
It is not jealous of opponent’s fund raising,
it does not boast of its candidate, it is not proud.

It does not rudely argue political points, it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered when others disagree, it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in negative campaigns
but rejoices in the truth.

It always protects the reputation of Christ, always trusts God is in control,
always hopes for the best, always perseveres in living as a disciple of Jesus.

Love never fails. But where there are campaign promises,
they will be broken;
where there are silver tongued orators,
they will be stilled;
where there is knowledge of how to govern,
it will pass away.

For we have partial knowledge and we govern with that knowledge,
but when the True King comes, imperfect government will disappear.

When I was a partisan, I talked like a partisan,
I thought like a partisan,I reasoned like a partisan.

When I recognized who the True King is,
I put partisan ways behind me.

Now we see but a poor reflection;
then we shall see face to face.

Now I know in part;
then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

And now these three remain:
faith, hope and love.

But the greatest of these is love.


Happy Reformation Day! Or, if you would prefer, Happy Halloween! I’m excited because basketball practice begins next week. There was quite a bit of good stuff out there in the blogosphere this week.

Here’s a sampling:

Amy has a good post on our relationship with God.

Good thoughts on the election here.

Dan Kimball has a good question about defining marriage.

Jared Wilson makes like Luther. The first part is here.

Alan Hirsch on planting the Gospel.

TSK gives his Reformation Day post.

Brokenness and community.

nakedpastor on suffering.

Another case of the church copying the culture. (HT: Jonathan Brink)

Jeff McQ is checking his hearing.

Great and timely post from John Armstrong.

Bill Kinnon on keeping it simple.

Barb has some thoughts for church leaders.

Have a great weekend. Watch out for razor blades in apples. (sorry, that was a flashback from when my kids were going out for candy.)


On Tuesday, October 28, John Fischer wrote about “falling into grace” here. In this article he wrote about churches full of Christians who attempt to give the appearance of being fixed rather than broken and needy. He then went on to speak of the burden this puts on those who act as if they are fixed, yet know deep down how broken they really are.

I started thinking that maybe a big reason for the impotence of today’s Church is the belief, or at least the appearance, that we are “fixed”. Think about it. What does a veterinarian do to a male dog to keep it from siring puppies? He “fixes” it. Maybe churches are not multiplying because the people inside are “fixed”. Maybe in our attempt to appear as if we have it all together, to “keep a good testimony”, we have neutered the Gospel.

We are all broken. We are all in desperate need of God’s grace in our day-to-day. None of us has it all together. As Switchfoot sings:
“We are a beautiful letdown,
Painfully uncool,
The church of the dropouts
The losers, the sinners, the failures and the fools…”


The more I hear and the more I see around me, the more I am convinced that the church in America has failed to keep the two commandments that Jesus said were the greatest, the two “rules” on which everything else hangs. Those two greatest commandments are love God with everything we have and love others as we love ourselves. Jesus later said that the love we have for others is the one thing that will prove we are his disciples.

What I see out there instead is Christians attacking other Christians on the radio, on blogs, or in books in the name of “defending truth”, as if truth needed to be defended. So many of these attacks do not even address the “truth” involved, but instead are directed at the individuals who do not toe the particular party line. I have heard and read things about people that would make you think they are the second coming of Judas or some other, even more evil person.

When those outside of the faith look at the church and see the fighting that goes on over things that are not essential to following Jesus, is it any wonder that they shake their heads and determine not to have anything to do with us? Sure, there are some things which are core to faith in Christ. But there are so many others that can be left up to each individual’s conscience and guidance from the Holy Spirit. (For a good article on this, check out: – “what to use for a metaphor of ‘core’ and ‘non-core’ beliefs”)

While we follow the Truth, and we do have a true and accurate record of God’s dealings with humans throughout history, none of us has all of the truth that God has. In fact, I believe that when we stand before God, he will tell us that there were certain things that nobody got right, that he had something totally different in mind.

Since none of us is perfect, and none of us has all of the truth hidden away in our tiny little minds, why not concentrate on what our Savior told us is the most important thing? Love God with every fiber of our being, and then love everyone else as we love ourselves.

Think about the impact that would have.