Due to some technical difficulties, Friday is on Sunday this time around. Here’s some of the best:

Barb has some thoughts on discipleship and kids.

Camille Lewis wonders if a Preachers’ Park might be a good idea.

Molly reviews Coffeehouse Theology.

Dan Edelen writes about two Christianities.

Pam wonders about greatness.

The Internet Monk Annual Halloween Rant.

Ringo just doesn’t want to be bothered anymore. (HT: Scot McKnight)

John Armstrong says, “It’s the debt, stupid!

What would 700 billion dollars buy? (HT: Brother Maynard)

Have a great week!

Go To Church?

One of the interesting things about my trip to my alma mater for homecoming was a chance to sit in chapel for a Bible conference session. It gave me a chance to reflect on some of the changes that have happened in my thinking since I graduated lo, these many years ago.

The speaker was talking about growing up in the church and his question of why we go to church. He had never received an adequate answer, so he began to search out reasons to go to church. His sermon was based on that research.

He presented a number of verses where Israel was reminded of the time that God met with them when they were “in assembly” at Sinai. He also showed where God met with the nation in a special way when they were “in assembly” at the Tabernacle or the Temple. My thought was that, since Christ is risen from the grave, we have the presence of God within us at all times and don’t need to go to a special place to “meet” him.

He then moved to the New Testament, where he talked about how the Greek word “ecclesia“, which is translated “church” in the English Bible, is the Greek translation of the Hebrew word for “assembly”. He then continued to state that in the New Testament God worked in a special way through the assembly or church.

Fair enough. Where I found myself in the sharpest disagreement (and where my thinking has changed the most), is in the idea of what church is. I was taught that, while there was a “Universal Church” made up of all believers, the focus was on the local church and its programs. We were even taught to be somewhat wary of para-church organizations because they might siphon resources away from the local church. Discipleship essentially consisted of getting new converts involved in the life of the local church.

I no longer see “the church” as an organization that meets in a particular place at a particular time, and has a constitution, by-laws, etc. I believe that all followers of Jesus the Christ are the church. Now, I really don’t have a whole lot against those who, as the church, decide to gather together in a particular place and time, with a constitution and by-laws. my problem is with the concept of “going to church”, of thinking of the things we do and the structures we have put in place as church.

When we see going to a place on a Sunday morning and listening to a sermon, lecture, talk, whatever, as church; we have missed the idea of what church is. The church is the body of Christ. We are the ones who are to carry out the mission of God in this world. We are the ones who are to be making disciples of Jesus. We are the ones who are to be proclaiming that there is a King and a Kingdom, that Jesus Christ is reigning now and will come again to set all things right, and that he calls people repent and follow him. We can and should be doing those things independently of any organizational program or structure. We are not called to make church members, but disciples.

Now, before you accuse me of saying that we should all go out and do our own thing, let me state that I believe that Scripture teaches us that we are to assemble together as the church. But, the church is what is assembling together, not the place where we go. And, the church can assemble together in a variety of places at different times, whether in an auditorium on a Sunday, a home on a Saturday evening, a coffee shop through the week, or a pub. I don’t believe that what most of us knew as “church” growing up is the only expression of the body of Christ assembling together.

I do believe that some things are essential for an assembly: the Word, fellowship, prayer, and the Lord’s Supper. Beyond that it can be left up to the leading of the Holy Spirit. I also believe that the assembly is to be something that teaches us to follow Jesus in our day-to-day lives and that teaches and encourages us to go out and make disciples.

We miss the boat when we think of church as something we “go to” rather than something we are. Maybe this is why many churches are not growing, and many of the ones that are are drawing in those from other churches who are already Christians.


Yesterday, Jan and I traveled to Asheville to attend a ceremony remembering the life of my second cousin. Even though she was a cousin, my sister and I knew her as Aunt Polly. Polly was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and the ceremony was to place a marker on her tombstone designating her membership. The ceremony was a fine example of a simple patriotism that remembers and honors the sacrifices of those who have preceded us. First, we recited the pledge of allegiance, followed by the American’s Creed. Then, a member of the DAR sang the National Anthem.

One of Polly’s daughters spoke of her mom’s life followed by two granddaughters who spoke of her influence on the lives of all the grandchildren. After this, the marker was unveiled, and a great granddaughter played “Taps” on a trumpet. We then went into the church social hall for a reception. It was a wonderful time seeing cousins I hadn’t seen in far too many years, and reconnecting with a bit of my own heritage. I even spent a little time with an aunt on my dad’s side. The visit made me realize how easy it is to lose touch with family and how necessary it is to try and keep in contact.

From Asheville we traveled to Columbia to watch my nephew play soccer. It was good to see my sister and her family after a couple of weeks without being with them.

It was a good reminder of the things that are really important: family, faith, and a love for the country in which God has placed you. So many other things in life are affected by how we live out those three things.


After a week off, TGIF is back. It’s a good thing I enjoy reading, because I had to catch up on a lot of it after I got back home.

Here are some of the the links of the week:

Tony Jones thinks we are in the waning days.

Todd Hiestand list 7 of the most important jobs in the world.

Good stuff from Jared Wilson.

Next Reformation has a good post on Post-Christendom.

Jonathan Brink reviews The Great Emergence: Part 1 is here and Part 2 is here.

Jeff McQ’s contribution to Blog Action Day 2008.

Check out this freakin‘ amazing library. (HT: Brant Hansen)

imonk has the inside scoop on new Bibles coming out soon.

Enjoy your weekend.

Gone For Awhile

I’m sorry there was no TGIF on Friday. I was out of town for a few days and had very limited computer access.

On Friday, I was in Clarks Summit, PA for my 30th college reunion. I know, I don’t look that old.:) It was good to see a couple of classmates, but the highlight of the weekend was being there for the retirement celebration of the school’s former athletic director and basketball coach. Along with seeing him, I was able to spend time with my former soccer coach and my old track coach. These three men have had more influence on my life than anyone except my own father. They taught me how to see athletics, and all of life as a way to glorify God. This had a huge impact on the way I have approached coaching and teaching. I just hope that I have had a similar impact on some of the kids I’ve had the privilege of working with through the years. That afternoon, I walked across the soccer field; and since it was homecoming weekend I remembered back to when I was a senior and walked across that same field with my mom and dad. That brought a few tears.

Saturday, I drove to Baltimore and spent the night with some friends from The Ooze. We went duckpin bowling and had a blast! We were in an old building that had lanes on two floors. It’s the oldest continuously operating duckpin alley in the U.S. I hadn’t been duckpin bowling since I was a kid, so I had a lot of fun. Sunday, we attended Cedar Ridge Community Church. That’s the church that Brian McLaren founded. It was a good service. Later that day, I drove to Springfield, VA and spent the night with a nephew and his wife. It was good seeing them again.

On Monday, I went and saw the new building that had replaced my old high school. I didn’t like the building, but their football stadium and track stadium are very nice. Then I went and visited my parent’s grave. There were more tears, as there will always be at certain times. I drove home and got in at 10:00 PM, tired and feeling blessed that I was able to make this trip.

Check This Out

My daughter Jennie is going to be on TV! She has been working as an extra on the show, “Privileged”. This Tuesday night at 9:00 PM will be the first of many episodes in which she appears. She’s mostly in the background in this one, wearing a blue green/turquoise/purple dress.

The show is on the CW Network. I have no idea if it’s any good, but hey. Jennie’s on TV.


Today, I reach a milestone. So, in honor of my 100th post I give you the links of the week:

And to think I wasted five years of my life. (HT: Bob Hyatt)

Josh looks back.

Scot McKnight nails it.

Kingdom Grace reviews Coffee House Theology.

Brant Hansen knows how to redeem a violent video game.

Jeff McQ has a good series on re-thinking worship. Part 1 is here.

This is long, but very good.

Brother Maynard has a good post on the “demise” of emerging, emergent, etc.

This is cool. (HT: Brother Maynard)

Jefty economics.

Alan Hirsch wonders about fundamentalism.

Wow. Just, wow.

Tim Hill has a four part series on spiritual formation. Part 1.

Tomorrow we celebrate my wife’s birthday. Hope you have a good weekend.

God’s Camera

Yesterday, I saw a sign in front of a church that read, “Smile, you’re on God’s camera”. I wondered what was meant by that. Growing up, I always was given the impression that God was up in heaven watching what we were doing and grading us on our actions. This would determine whether God was pleased with us or not. I was always told that I couldn’t hide anything from God in an attempt to keep me doing things I shouldn’t. This worked, some of the time. Most of the time I didn’t even stop to think that God was watching, so my “little hands” weren’t careful what they did; my “little eyes” weren’t careful what they saw; and my “little feet” certainly weren’t careful where they went.

I don’t believe that’s what the Psalmist intended when he wrote, “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?” It is true that there is nowhere we can go that takes us out of God’s presence. It is true that God knows our every thought and deed. But I believe that David wrote these words in Psalm 139 as praise to the God who was always with him and would always take care of him, not as a complaint that God was always watching so David couldn’t get away with anything. I am not saying that God is not watching or that we can get away with anything, I just don’t believe that’s the thrust of this Psalm.

God is not sitting “up” in heaven taking a picture of us so he can hold it against us – “Look what you did”. Jesus redeemed us, every bit of us, including the times we screw up. Anyway, does anyone really doubt that God already knows when we sin? Does he need to “watch”?

Now if the message on the sign meant that God was taking my picture just as any proud father enjoys taking pictures of his children, because he loves and enjoys them; well, I can live with that.

Two Years

It’s been two years since my mom and dad left this world and stepped into the presence of their Lord. Mom passed on August 27, and Dad joined her thirty three days later, on September 30.

After two years, the pain and sorrow is not as fresh or strong as it was. I am continuing to heal, although there are still times when I find myself with a catch in my throat and a tear in my eye. When a holiday comes, especially Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, I stop and think about how much I miss them. Whenever I read or hear something about the loss of a family member, I feel my own loss. When I read about being reunited with loved ones in God’s presence, I long for that day.

When Josh, along with a little bit of help from me, laid a new kitchen floor, I thought of how my dad was probably watching while we were working; wishing we could hear his words of advice. I think he is pleased.

Losing the ones who brought you into this world, who began the process of teaching you to make your way, and who were a major influence on your journey of faith is hard. It does leave a hole that is not filled. Maybe that is so we don’t get too attached to life in the here and now, but look for the time when the King will make all things right.

What is the Gospel?

The other day there was a street preacher out on the corner of a busy intersection here in town. He had positioned himself in front of a gas station across from the university here. Because it was a sunny Saturday, there were people driving by, folks getting their cars washed, and college students walking by. I guess you could say he had a “captive” audience.

The problem with the audience is that it was mostly made up of people going to or from someplace. With the exception of the students who were standing around laughing and taking pictures with their cell phones, or the people waiting for their cars to be washed, his “audience” was on the move. He kept on preaching into a microphone that was connected to a large speaker on the back of a truck. Because we were going into the drug store to get a birthday card, I couldn’t make out much of what the preacher was saying, although I could make out “sin”, “hell”, “God”, and “Savior”.

On Sunday the street preacher probably told his congregation that he spent a good part of the day “proclaiming the Gospel”. I wondered what his definition of the Gospel is. Having grown up in churches where this type of thing would not be that uncommon, I think his definition would probably end in “go to heaven when you die”, or something similar.

This is probably a simple exercise for most of you out there, but I am wondering: How would you define “the Gospel”? Is it simply believe in Jesus and go to heaven when you die? Or is there more?

Your thoughts?