Autumn is here in the sunny South and the trees are beautiful. I enjoy this time of year with the colors of the changing leaves, the smell of wood fires, and the crisp temperatures. Things are about to get much busier here in the Shope household. Basketball practice begins Monday, so my schedule is going to be packed from then until February. At least it will be fun.
World Vision Wednesday
See how giving the gift of a goat or chickens can keep on giving, and change lives.
In the book, In the Name of Jesus, Henri Nouwen wrote of the temptations faced by leaders in the church, and by the church as a whole. Those temptations are relevance, popularity, and leading.
Weekend Wanderings
You know those days when you just wonder why? I had one of those yesterday. The rest of the week went well, as fall has settled in for awhile. We had to bring our plants in for the night because there was a chance of frost here in the sunny South. The world lost another brutal dictator this week. I hope the Libyans end up with a better government.
World Vision Wednesday
Here is another story of the impact child sponsorship can have.
Weekend Wanderings
It’s been an interesting week. On Monday, Jan went to the doctor about some anxiety and skipping heart issues. He gave her some medicine to help things. Tuesday found us in the emergency room getting Jan’s heart checked out because she was feeling worse. Thankfully her heart is okay, she’s adjusted the medicine and is doing much better. Fall is fully here in the sunny South, and the weather is beautiful.
A Prayer to Christ
This prayer was written by Henri Nouwen in A Cry for Mercy. Further comment from me is unnecessary.
Dear Lord, help me keep my eyes on you. You are the incarnation of Divine Love, you are the expression of God’s infinite compassion, you are the visible manifestation of the Father’s holiness. You are beauty, goodness, gentleness, forgiveness, and mercy. In you all can be found. Outside of you nothing can be found. Why should I look elsewhere or go elsewhere? You have the words of eternal life. you are food and drink, you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. You are the light that shines in the darkness, the lamp on the lampstand, the house on the hilltop. You are the perfect Icon of God. In and through you I can see and find my way to the Heavenly Father. O Holy One, Beautiful One, Glorious One, be my Lord, my Savior, my Redeemer, my Guide, my Consoler, my Comforter, my Hope, my Joy, and my Peace. To you I want to give all that I am. Let me be generous, not stingy or hesitant. Let me give you all-all I have, think, do, and feel. It is yours, O Lord. Please accept it and make it fully your own.
In Gracias! A Latin American Journal, Henri Nouwen told a story of a nun who was visiting in a poor section of Lima, Peru. She had been warned to be very watchful of other people because they would “…grab your money, your purse, and your watch.” She was told to “…take your watch off and put it in your purse and hold your purse tight under your arm.”
Weekend Wanderings
Another week has come and gone. It seems like this past week was only a couple days long, it went by so fast. We celebrated Jan’s birthday on Tuesday, had dinner with a dear friend on Thursday, and grilled for about 200 folks on Saturday. Add that to the usual goings on, and the week speeds along.