March Madness has struck! Millions are infected! No, I’m not talking about all the celebrating on St. Patrick’s Day. The first round has been exciting so far, with close games and upsets that not too many saw coming. Thousands of brackets have been ruined and possibly millions of dollars have been lost in office pools. The fun continues for another two weeks.

Here’s some of the good stuff out their on the web:

A prayer by St. Patrick.
12 mostly true facts about St. Patrick.
When is church not church?
A good question.
Jonathan Brink on marriage.

A time to weep. Indeed.
What should be our response to the times?
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are more than just days of the week.
Donald Miller has some good thoughts on Glenn Beck.
Food choices as theology.

A classic iMonk rant.
Scot McKnight has a series on N.T. Wright’s book, After You Believe. Part 1 is here.
The just and the unjust.
What would you do if you had your life to live over?
Here is what to do if your books get soaked. (HT: Scot McKnight)

I hope your weather is getting more spring-like. Enjoy your weekend.


This has been the first week this year here in the sunny South where the high temperatures have been 60 or above every day. The weather is finally starting to get close to normal, although it is still raining a lot. My softball team has had to practice inside most of the week. This weekend, we set our clocks ahead one hour. It’ll be nice to have the sun stay up longer in the evening.

On to the good stuff:

Don Miller has started a series on commercialism and faith. Part 1 is here.

More good stuff from Josh.

The company Jennie works for (Stargate Studios) is doing some amazing things. Check it out here and here.

An update on iMonk.

A Ballad of the Seasons.

Good thoughts.

Lessons from a bass guitar.

The two-fisted Gospel.

A needed reminder from Jason Boyett.

Scot McKnight responds to Glenn Beck.

Artificial hipsters (HT: Scot McKnight).

Scum of the Earth.

Meals as maps.

A good way to respond to postmodern skeptics.

Fellowship is fundamental.

Hotel of cards.

Enjoy your weekend. Don’t forget the clock.

El Nino

The other day, Jennie and I were chatting on-line, and the conversation wound its way to the weather. Here in the sunny South, we’ve had an unusually cold and wet winter, the coldest in about thirty years. Jennie said that there in Los Angeles, they had a greater than normal amount of rain the past few months. Every part of the country has been affected by weather patterns that come from a strong El Nino. I remarked to Jennie that El Nino had really disrupted things this winter.

The more I though about it, the more I realized the parallels between the weather pattern known as El Nino and its namesake. El Nino begins around Christmas and the term is Spanish for “the male child,” a reference to Jesus Christ. We often think of the Christ child as simply a meek and mild little baby who, according to one popular song, never cried. We love the picture of a baby surrounded by furry farm animals and shepherds, and of course, we miss the point. I think the fact that the name “The (Christ) Child” was given to a weather system that is disruptive is significant.

Jesus Christ did not serenely stride through first century Palestine like some ethereal figure untouched by the world around him. He did not come proclaiming a gospel of escape into another world after death. From his birth, he threw a money wrench into the machinery of the kingdoms of this world. When Herod learned of the birth of this new “king of the Jews” he became so afraid for his own throne that he ordered all of Bethlehem’s male children under two years old to be killed. Herod was not just a child abuser. He was a king who was trying to eliminate a rival.

After this, we don’t read a lot of Jesus’ life growing up, although there was that incident where his parents had to hunt for him in Jerusalem. That caused just a bit of a stir in their lives. Jesus began his ministry by calling people to drop what they were doing and follow him .He then traveled around the country challenging the traditions of the religious leaders. Not only did he challenge tradition, he also took the whole system and interpreted it as pointing to him. That ruffled more than a few feathers.

Jesus didn’t exactly make Pilate’s life easier when he told Pilate that he was indeed a king, but that his kingdom was not of this world. Even Pilate’s wife had a nightmare because of Jesus.
After Jesus left, his followers spread throughout the Roman Empire with the message that the Kingdom of God had come, that Jesus Christ was Lord, not Caesar. They refused to sacrifice to the Emperor, and were persecuted and killed because they were considered treasonous. It was said of the early Christians that they “turned the world upside down.”

Just like El Nino, Jesus Christ was a disruptive figure during his time on earth. His followers, if they take seriously the words of their Master, continue to be disruptive. It’s hard for us in America to understand living in a hostile environment. America has been a part of Christendom for years, and we have had it easy in a culture that gave lip service to our faith. That is no longer the case. Followers of Jesus are being pushed to the margins, and it may be only a matter of time until we are seen as dangerous because of our allegiance to another King.

Time will tell if the church will strive to keep Christendom together, or will once again be subversive and disruptive, and turn our world upside down.

Lessons Learned During Recovery 2

I am not going to write about how I’m such a humble person. Only Moses could get away with that. Beside the fact that I’m nowhere near being in Moses’ league, I also know how much I struggle with pride. I’m probably like most red-blooded American men in that regard. I like being the one to give help, but I’m fine doing things without it, thank you very much. I also feel uncomfortable with what I see as “putting people out.”

Hernia surgery changed that. When I awakened back in the room, I was a pretty helpless individual. When I had to get up to go to the restroom, I needed help to sit up. I also could not stand or walk without Jan holding one of my arms to steady me. As we left the next day, I needed assistance to get into, and out of the truck.

That first week of recovery was on of almost total dependence on others. Someone else went outside to get the paper. Someone else fed the dog. Someone else took care of things that I normally take care of. Along with that, I required help doing such simple tasks as washing and drying my feet, and putting on socks. Believe me, for someone who likes to be able to do it myself, it was hard, even though I knew that I needed that help.

The culmination came when we went to our church’s Sunday gathering. As we shuffled into the room, one of the young men and his girlfriend were asked to give up their spots on the couch for me. Not by me, you understand. Remember, I’m too proud to ask anyone to do that. 🙂 While I appreciate their willingness to let me sit there, I felt bad about it. I went back to work full day on Tuesday (forgetting the lesson about patience), and began to drag a chair to my morning duty spot. The teacher who does that duty with me asked if he could get that for me. I seriously thought about telling him that I was good, that I could get it. But I didn’t. I let him carry it.

I think one of the problems with the Church here in the United States is our individualistic mindset. We have bought into the American ideal of the tough, independent loner, who doesn’t need any help. Over the years, the idea has developed that salvation is strictly an individual, personal thing. Along with the fear of being judged if we drop our masks and admit our need, those things have produced a Church that is disjointed and week. This is a far cry from the picture we find in the New Testament of the Church as a body.

The past two weeks have taught me how important each part is in the function of the physical body. In the church, we also need each part. Everyone is important to the function of the body.
I’ve also learned that it’s okay to ask for help, that no one is going to think any less of me if I can’t do certain things by myself (at least no one who matters). It’s not an easy lesson to learn, and I’ll probably have to be reminded more than a few times.

We need each other. Jesus said that the world will know that we are his disciples by our love for each other. It is hard for that love to happen if we continue to try and convince ourselves, and others, that we can go it alone. Let us consider how we can meet the needs of those around us, as well as let our own needs be known.


Another week has come and gone. February has finally gone the way of all months, and March has announced its arrival with a snowstorm on the second day. The extended forecast here in the sunny South is for warmer temperatures. We may even see the sun a bit more. I’m continuing to recover from my surgery.

And now, the links of the week:

Provocative thoughts from Dan Edelen.
Jesus statues.
Faith through the pain.
Definitely a casual service.

Check this out!
Non-negotiables from Jared Wilson.
Time to man up.
Bob Hyatt is not done with church.

Scot McKnight on legalism. Part 1 is here.
Scot McKnight reviews Brian McLaren’s new book.
Just in case you find yourself in a Baptist church.
The Gospel Groove workout.

Marvelous Milly.
Anyone want to buy me one of these? (HT: Kansas Bob)
Should pastors/elders be paid a salary?
This is interesting.
Would folks ask this question of us?

I hope your weekend is great!

World Vision Wednesday

While it hasn’t drawn as much attention as the disaster in Haiti, the earthquake in Chile over the weekend has been as devastating to those affected by it. World Vision is serving the people in Chile. You can read more here.

Lessons Learned During Recovery

I’m not exactly a patient person. In some situations I can be, but when it comes to going places and doing things, I want it done right now. In my track days I was a sprinter, and I still have to remind myself to not be in such a hurry when I’m driving somewhere.

Last week, things came to a screeching halt. After spending a couple of hours in surgery, and a few more in recovery, I was wheeled to a room for the night. When you’re in the hospital recovering from surgery, you can not be in a hurry. The schedule doesn’t revolve around you, so a good bit of the time is spent waiting. Waiting for something to drink, waiting for medicine, waiting for the nurse to change the IV bag so it stops beeping. And of course, waiting all day for the surgeon to see you and release you to go home. Add to that, 30 minutes waiting for a wheelchair to take you to the car.

After getting out of the truck at home, it was then my responsibility to get myself around, with help from Jan. So, I hopped out of the truck, and ran up to the front door. Wrong! On the old Carol Burnette Show, Tim Conway played a character. He was a little old man who moved excruciatingly slow, to great laughter. That was me, only there was no laughter. It wasn’t a matter of putting one foot in front of the other. It was a matter of putting one foot slightly ahead of the other, until we eventually reached the front door.

Everything has been slow ever since. Sitting down, laying down, getting up, walking, showering, dressing have all been at a pace that would make a dawdling child proud. I’ve been back at work for two days, and everything I do there is in slow motion. I spend a lot of time sitting in one place, and any movement must be done slowly. Thankfully, our dog has understood, and hasn’t been as playful with me as he usually is.

This week has given me a lot of time to read and reflect. It’s good to do that from time to time. Our lives get filled up with so much activity. We rush from place to place, from event to event. Our relationships with other people get crowded out, or simply left in the dust as we rush down the road. It’s easy for us to let our relationship with God fall victim to the hustle and bustle of our day-to-day. We give the Father a few hurried minutes in the morning, or a tired nod in the evening. We go through the day checking things off our to-do list, sometimes even including God.

We forget that we have a relationship with the Father. Any relationship suffers when either party hurries too quickly through life and leaves the other behind. Jesus called his disciples to coma apart and rest. The three years they spent together were at a pace that would drive most of us crazy. The idea was for the disciples to just be with Jesus. Through spending time with the Master, they would learn his teachings,and would learn to be like him.

Sometimes we need to “be still” and simply know that God is God. That’s hard to do, unless something happens, like surgery, to slow us down. Living a life that is in tune to the rhythms of the Father, rather than the noise of the world around us goes against what we are told by that world. Sometimes it even is contrary to what we are told in the church. It is counter-cultural, but that is what we are called to be.

In a couple of weeks, when I have recovered to the point where I can get around normally, I hope I remember to take things a bit slower, being sensitive to the Spirit.


This has been a rough week. Monday morning found me undergoing surgery to repair two hernias. It was supposed to be an outpatient procedure, but I ended up spending Monday night in the hospital. The recovery is slow, but I hope to be able to go back to work on Monday. We’ll see.

Here are the links for this week:

Update from iMonk.
Scot McKnight reviews Eugene Peterson. Part 1 is here.
A good resource for families wanting to follow the church calendar. (HT: Scot McKnight)
Evidently this is for real.
Recovering Revelation.
Fame is fleeting.
Kingdom grace has a set of questions.