500 Posts

I realized sometime in the past few days that I reached the magical (?) 500 post milestone. When I started this blog back in 2007, I had no idea how long I would be doing this. I enjoy writing, but I didn’t know if I could think of things to write about. It seems that I’ve been able to think of a few things over the years. Whether those things have been worth writing about is left for history to judge (Boy, that sounds pretentious, doesn’t it?).

Over the three and a half years that I’ve been writing this blog, I’ve met a lot of good people on-line, and read an awful lot of good material from other bloggers. I’ve been encouraged by many readers, and challenged by others. Many of my ideas have been shaped and crystallized both by those I read, and by those who leave comments.
I plan on continuing to write, for awhile anyway. There’s still a lot of stuff rolling around in my head. Some of it is actual thoughts. As those thoughts form, I’ll put them into words and put them on here for all to see. Hopefully some of you will be encouraged, some of you will be challenged. Some of you may even be angered, but I’m going to try and not worry about that. My writing comes from the heart, and from the point of view of someone who sees what has happened to the movement that Jesus started and doesn’t like much of what he sees. Thanks to all of you have read, comment, or have ever read or commented. Your encouragement is a huge blessing to me.
As the journey continues, I’ll keep you posted on the twists and turns of the road.