Prayer for the Second Week of Advent

Lord Jesus, we live in a world that has lost hope, that runs after things, relationships, and so much more in a vain attempt to fill the emptiness. Help us to stay out of that rat race, and remind us that our hope is in you. In the midst of the stuff of life, remind us that you are making all things new and that you will one day finish the job. Thank you for what you have already done in us. Thank you for calling us to join in your mission of restoring your creation. Thank you for the privilege of bearing the hope of your Kingdom to those around us. Amen.

Prayer for the First Week of Advent

Almighty Father, as the people of Israel longed for their redemption, so we long for the final redemption and restoration of all things. As they longed for your kingdom, so do we. Help us to not miss you, as many of them did. This season, remind us that our deepest longings find their fulfillment only in Jesus. Amen

Third Sunday of Advent

This season can be a stressful time with all the busyness that can capture our attention. As we anticipate the celebration of Jesus’ birth and look ahead to his return, let our joy be unrestrained and infectious.



There is a lot of waiting this time of year. Shoppers wait in traffic so they can get to stores and wait in line to pay for their merchandise. Students (and teachers) wait for vacation to start. Children wait to see what gifts they will receive. Other people wait for the season to be over. One thing that seems present in all the waiting is stress and conflict. Sometimes the very act of waiting causes the problems.

The people of Israel were waiting. Waiting for the promised Messiah, waiting for God to speak again, and deliver his people. They had been waiting a long time. Today, we wait for that same Messiah to return and deliver us. It has been a long time.

Some in Israel had grown tired of waiting and were content with just getting by. Others had put their hopes in their religious rituals, or political works. Before we are too hard on them, let us ask ourselves how we are waiting. Are we waiting for a trip off this old earth, up into the sky? Are we waiting for the right leaders to be elected or the right laws to be passed to turn our nation back to God? Have we given up and been reduced to just getting by?

We are told to not become weary in doing good. Jesus is King, and one day he will return and set
everything right again. Their will be justice, mercy, and peace. Creation will be renewed. The Kingdom of God will come in its fullness. That is what we wait for. That is what we long for.

This Advent season remember that we wait in anticipation of a Kingdom that is here now, and is still to come. We wait in anticipation and in hope.

First Sunday of Advent

As the season of Advent begins, we remember the longing of the ancient people of God for the coming of the Messiah. We also think of our own longing for Christ’s return and the culmination of the restoration of all things.

Enjoy this video by Christine Sine: