This has been a good week. I only had to help break up one fight at school. The weather is getting warmer and it’s almost time for summer break!

Here is what piqued my interest this week:

A Former Leader is enjoying the season.

Molly tries to explain things.

Jake has a good word for teachers.

Dan has some great thoughts.

Anne-droid enjoys God’s creation.

Grace weighs in on the Trinity.

Kamp Krusty is an interesting place to visit.

Jeff is processing the pain.

Andrew Jones links to the future of CCM.

Jared wonders if size matters.

Tim Hill is missing something.

John Armstrong has some good thoughts about the Church and race.


It seems like time is passing faster than ever these days. Two weeks ago Jan and were relaxing in the Smoky Mountains. It doesn’t seem that long ago. Here are some things that caught my interest this week:

imonk has a complex.

Grace writes about handbaskets.

Steve Knight gives his thoughts on being post-congregational.

Scot McKnight links to the best blog post he has ever read.

Dan Kimball speaks on social justice and hell.

Jared Wilson gets to hear N.T. Wright speak and I’m jealous.

Rachel has a good memory.


Why does it seem like the week after a vacation takes forever to go by? At least it ‘s finally getting warm here in the sunny South.

Here are some of the interesting things I’ve seen this week:

Molly gives us a good reminder on how to treat those with whom we disagree.

AnneDroid convicted me of a need to check for residual bitterness.

Brant Hansen has a Bucket List for Christians.

imonk asks about “A Divine Protection Racket”

John tries to be still.

A Former Leader writes about worship songs come to life.

Grace throws her hat into the political ring.

Jeff McQuilkin is In-Between.

jonathanbrink reminds us that we are first human, and then breaks our hearts.

Brother Maynard made me laugh.