Mother’s Day

Yesterday was Mother’s Day. It was the second one since my mother went to be with Jesus. There were times throughout the day when I teared up, because I still miss Mom. There were good moments as well, like when I was out walking and remembered many of the good times I had growing up in a family where unconditional love was an everyday fact.

As I reminisced, I thought how many of the good qualities in my own life come from Mom. She was not a highly educated woman, but she was wise in many ways. Her faith in her Savior was a quiet, strong faith that was a rock to her throughout her life. Mom’s love for others was evident in the way she treated my sister and me, and in the way she opened our house to others.

I am thankful for a mom that embodied the Great Commandment: Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself.