World Vision Wednesday

This is the season when we celebrate the coming to earth of the One who gave up the riches of heaven for us. Many of his people in Iraq have been driven from their homes and face a winter without many of the necessities for survival. If you are able to help, go here to find out what to do.

World Vision Wednesday

As we enter into a season of celebrating and feasting, it’s easy to forget that there are folks in our own country who go hungry on a daily basis. There are ways you can help. For more information, check this out.

World Vision Wednesday

Tomorrow is World Food Day. While we usually think of hunger as happening in other parts of the world, there are many in the United States who also deal with not having enough food on a daily basis. To find out more, go here.

World Vision Wednesday

“A new report notes a downward trend in the percentage of people who are undernourished, worldwide; however, developing nations account for 98 percent of the chronically undernourished people.” Go here to learn which spots in the world are the worst for hunger, and what is being done to help.

World Vision Wednesday

Thousands of children are fleeing Central America and streaming across the border into the United States, causing a humanitarian crisis. For more on why the children are fleeing and what can be done about it, go here.