World Vision Wednesday

“As the economic downturn continues and many American families struggle just to make ends meet, children across the country risk starting another school year without basic supplies they need to succeed in their studies.” This quote from World Vision highlights the need for school supplies for children here in the United States. To find out more, see this.

World Vision Wednesday

Kenya and the Horn of Africa are experiencing a famine causing drought. World Vision has escalated its response to the crisis. For more information, and to find out how you can help, see this.

Problems and Opportunities

The stock market is on a roller coaster ride. Some economists say the United States is headed for another recession. European nations are in crisis. The U.S. credit rating has been downgraded. Unemployment continues to be a major problem.

Some say the United States is being punished for “turning away from God.” Others say that this is a sure sign of the end. These things may be true or they may not. I wonder if maybe God is finished with this country as far as blessing it and using it to bless the world. Many see these things as serious problems, and there are some who are even reacting in the same manner as those who put their trust in material things rather than God.
I do believe we may be in for some rough times in this country. What that will mean is left up to far wiser folks than me to figure out. What I do know is that the coming bad times, if they come, will present those who claim to follow Jesus the opportunity to put their money (or their houses, cars, or other possessions) where their mouth is.
One of the primary things said about about the early church was that there were no poor persons among them. If you remember, this was at a time when there were a whole lot of poor people around the Empire. The followers of Jesus, because they were devoted to Jesus Christ and to each other, were willing to go so far as selling their possessions in order to help those who were in need. How far are we willing to go?
Are we willing to sell something to give to a fellow Christian who has lost employment? Are we willing to change our routine and patronize a business on order to help a brother or sister in Christ? Are we willing to provide living space for someone who has lost their home? Are we willing to share possessions (clothes, yard tools, cooking utensils, etc.) in order to ease someone’s burden? In short, are we willing to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters?
A friend said to me that she believed God was telling her that the time was short. While this could refer to the end times, I think that maybe it’s our time as prosperous “American Christians” that is short. I believe that it may not be very long before those of us who claim to follow Jesus will have to put up or shut up.
God help us to be found faithful.

World Vision Wednesday

Malaria is the number one killer of children under five in Zambia and many other countries in Africa. Bed nets are the answer to stopping this killer, but at a cost of $10, are beyond the reach of most. World Vision has been working to provide bed nets for many. To read a story about the nets’ effectiveness and find out how you can help check this out.

World Vision Wednesday

Recently, the House of Representatives voted to cut spending in a number of areas. While I am normally in favor of less government and lower spending, I believe that some of the cuts should not have been made. According to World Vision president Richard Stearns, the budget “shrinks global AIDS, malaria, and hunger programs by 41 percent. It slashes funding for humanitarian emergencies by 67 percent. By comparison, other budget accounts are reduced by an average of just 8 percent. To put this in perspective, the existing U.S. budget for international humanitarian programs is only about one-half of 1 percent of the total federal budget.”

There are undoubtedly many things that should be cut out of a bloated budget. Humanitarian aid should not be one of them. While I believe that the church should be the primary agent of humanitarian giving, there are some places where the need is so great that government aid is needed along with private aid.

If you agree that this spending should not be cut, please contact your senators and ask them to vote to restore the funds for this needed humanitarian aid. The vote is on Friday, so time is of the essence.

World Vision Wednesday

“An offer to good to refuse leads to a nightmare.” This is true of what happens to a number of children around the world. World Vision is working to help those who have been trapped in a life of slavery. To find out more read this.

World Vision Wednesday

One in five people worldwide live on less than $1.25 a day. 500 people could potentially benefit from microfinance, but only 3 percent of that need is being met. To find out more about microfinance and learn how you can help, read this.