Five Fred Facts

My blogo-friend Bob tagged me in a meme a while ago. The first part is to list five facts about myself.

1. I have been blogging for about ten years.

2. Mamie Eisenhower once held me in her arms (at least that’s what I was told). Really! I was three years old and was at a Christmas party at the White House with a friend of the family who worked there.

3. I have competed in, and coached eight different sports. Soccer, football, cross country, basketball, volleyball, baseball, golf, and track.

4. I have learned to enjoy gardening and am constantly looking for creative ways to redo the outdoor space at our house.

5. I am a beach bum at heart, but I also enjoy being in the mountains. Different things at each place speak to me in different ways.

The second part of the meme is to tag other bloggers. Since I don’t know how many bloggers actually read my blog, if you have a blog and are reading this, consider yourself tagged. Let me know in the comments so I can check your five facts out.

25 Random Things About Me

I’ve been tagged by a few people to do this thing, and since this is a restful Sunday afternoon with nothing to do except watch the Puppy Bowl I thought I’d go ahead and get it done. Since this blog finds its way to my Facebook page – Eileen and Kim, here it is, even though it’s been slow in coming.

1. I have been coaching basketball for 26 years, 13 years with guys, 13 years with girls.
2. I am over-educated, with a bachelor’s degree and two master’s.
3. My third birthday party was at the White House. Sort of.
4. I once sat on a fishbowl – with the results you would expect.
5. My favorite food is Cincinnati Chili.
6. In high school, I was the third fastest senior sprinter in the Washington, D.C. area.
7. I was a Christian college All-American sprinter my senior year.
8. I’m now too out of shape to do any kind of sprinting. 🙂
9. My favorite dessert is German Chocolate Cake.
10. I like most kinds of music, except rap, heavy metal, opera, or southern gospel.
11. I love to read.
12. I have been happily married for 28 1/2 years to the best wife ever.
13. I have 2 grown children who make me extremely proud.
14. I used to play the accordion.
15. I work with students with learning disabilities.
16. I like comedies.
17. The first time I cried at a movie was in 1977, while watching “Brian’s Song.”
18. I don’t understand how someone can hate someone else enough to torture or kill them.
19. I don’t understand how folks can buy into the prosperity gospel when all they have to do is look around them and see that’s not how things work.
20. My favorite sport is basketball, followed closely by track.
21. I have googled myself. Yes, it’s true, I admit it.
22. I was born in Washington, D.C., in a hospital that doesn’t exist anymore.
23. I am a procrastinator. That’s why this has taken so long to do.
24. I am a fan of bad puns.
25. I drive a small pickup truck, but would love to own a restored MG.