World Vision Wednesday

There has been a new twist in the ethnic violence in South Sudan. Up till now, women and children have been spared from attack. The situation has deteriorated, as children are now being targeted. Read more about this tragedy here.

World Vision Wednesday

From World Vision concerning child protection:

For almost a year, World Vision has advocated for the passage of the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVRPA), inviting our supporters to join us in advocating for this bill. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) — the cornerstone of U.S. policies to fight modern-day slavery — expired on September 30, 2011, because Congress did not vote to reauthorize the law in time. As a result, U.S. efforts to combat trafficking are essentially on hold until the law is reauthorized.

Here is an update from our child protection policy advisor, Jesse Eaves.

World Vision Wednesday

As the 2012 primary elections continue and the general election draws closer, one of the issues to think about is where the different candidates stand on global poverty. This is an issue that involves a number of others that are being hotly debated. To find out more check this out.

World Vision Wednesday

From World Vision:

VIDEO: How to change the world

So you want to change the world, but wanting to change the world, and changing the world are two separate things. See how advocates really can be catalysts for change.

Three things you can do

Pray. Ask God to show you how he might use you to be a voice for the poor and give you the courage to speak out.

Visit our Advocate Network to learn about the serious issues impacting children and families trapped in poverty and you can speak out on their behalf.

Speak out in support of humanitarian aid funding. Critical, life-saving assistance to combat hunger, child mortality, and diseases like AIDS and malaria makes up less than one percent of the federal budget, but may be subject to devastating and disproportionate cuts. Urge Congress to protect these programs. There are few places in the U.S. federal budget where dollars translate so directly into lives saved.

World Vision Wednesday

World Vision continues its response in areas of the Horn of Africa devastated by drought. While conditions have begun to improve in parts of the region, challenges remain for the families who live there and the aid workers who are trying to provide assistance. To read more about it see this.