World Vision Wednesday

One in five people worldwide live on less than $1.25 a day. 500 people could potentially benefit from microfinance, but only 3 percent of that need is being met. To find out more about microfinance and learn how you can help, read this.

World Vision Wednesday

On January 9, Southern Sudan help a referendum on breaking away from the northern section and becoming an independent nation. While there is a great deal of potential good that can come from independence, there is also a chance that armed conflict could increase as a result of the vote. There are also many challenges that a new nation would have to face. For more, read this.

World Vision Wednesday

It’s been a year since a major earthquake devastated an already struggling Haiti. A lot has been accomplished, but there is still a tremendous amount of work to be done. World Vision is on of the agencies that have been working in Haiti since the earthquake struck. For an update on their efforts go here.

World Vision Wednesday

Today, more than 24,000 children under the age of 5 will die from preventable diseases. There are already simple, low-cost ways to stop these killers. To learn more, visit here.

World Vision Wednesday

In Romania, a generation of HIV infected women is giving birth to children at risk of contracting the disease from their mothers. For more information, and to find out how you can help, look here.