World Vision Wednesday

Many of the minerals used in electronics and cell phones come from the Democratic Republic of Congo and surrounding countries. Unfortunately a large portion of the money paid for these minerals goes to fund violence between competing factions in the DRC.

Congress, at the urging of World Vision and other organizations, has taken an important step toward making electronic products “conflict free.” Go here to find out more.

World Vision Wednesday

Niger is on of the poorest nations in the world. If that isn’t bad enough, the country is facing its worst food crisis in years, due to severe drought conditions. World Vision is working to feed a number of severely malnourished children. Go here to learn more.

World Vision Wednesday

Yeah, I know it’s Thursday. So, sue me. Trust me, you won’t get much. 🙂

If you are already a child sponsor, this will be a great opportunity to spread the news about World Vision to your friends and family. If you are not yet a sponsor, keep your ears open for news of an event near you.

World Vision Wednesday

It’s hard to believe that it has been six months since Haiti was devastated by a major earthquake. World Vision has been there serving since the beginning. For an update watch this video.

World Vision Wednesday

For those of you who, like me, have heard of “blood diamonds” and the atrocities they have financed, here is a story of something that those of us who use electronic devices need to be aware of.