World Vision Wednesday

Dirty water kills a child every 22 seconds. Thanks to the efforts of World Vision, some villages in Niger no longer have to worry about their water. You can read this success story here.

World Vision Wednesday

Next month, the G8 Summit will meet. The leaders of the most powerful and wealthiest countries in the world have set certain goals regarding extreme global poverty. The Millennium Development Goals were developed in 2000 and the desired outcome is the eradication of extreme poverty by 2015. With five years left, the goals are still a long way from being met.

The question is whether the countries who signed on to the Millennium Development Goals will keep their commitments. To read more about this, and to find out what you can do, visit World Vision’s page here.

World Vision Wednesday

Did you know that you can help the poor in other countries by giving to finance loans so they can start and grow businesses? Most poor people who want to start a business don’t qualify for loans through banks. Through micro-loans they can receive funds given by many people and be able to provide for themselves and their families. Along with other programs, microfinance can help end extreme poverty. Currently only 3 percent of the need for microfinance is being met.

To find out how you can become involved in helping others through micro-loans, visit this site.

World Vision Wednesday

In Nepal, World Vision has been working with the people there to develop organic farms. These farms are a way for families to provide food for themselves, and surplus to sell for income. You can read about one of these farms here.

World Vision Wednesday

The Action Summit to End Malaria is being held in Washington, D.C. today and tomorrow. Here you can read an account of what this devastating disease does.

World Vision Wednesday

It’s been three months since Haiti was devastated by an earthquake. Along with many others, World Vision has been serving the people there since the disaster happened. Here you can read a report on what has been done in the last three months.