World Vision Wednesday

Just this morning, I read that an aftershock with a magnitude of 6.1 has struck Haiti. World Vision is already there, serving those affected by the original earthquake. You can go here to read about a portion of their efforts.

Please continue to pray for Haiti, and consider how you can help.

World Vision Wednesday

As many of you have already heard, a major earthquake has hit Haiti. Please pray for the people there, already some of the poorest on earth. World Vision is preparing emergency relief. To find out how you can help go here.

World Vision Wednesday

WVW is back after a couple weeks of vacation.

Who would have thought that a pig could make such a huge difference in a family’s life? It’s amazing what a small investment (for us) can do.

World Vision Wednesday

There are a variety of ways to give this Christmas, from gifts found in the catalog to giving to areas where emergency gifts are needed. To find out more about emergency needs visit this page.

World Vision Wednesday

This past Sunday was the first Sunday of Advent, so this is a bit behind. You can download an Advent guide from World Vision here.

Yesterday was World AIDS Day. There are many ways to help some of the least of these whose lives have been impacted by this disease. Find out here.

World Vision Wednesday

Next Tuesday, December 1, is World AIDS Day.

From World Vision:

Learn more

>> Read more about World AIDS Day and what you can do to help prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
>> Watch a video featuring World Vision’s Princess Zulu, who discusses the possibility of ending mother-to-child transmission of HIV in honor of World AIDS Day.
>> Read another article about procedures followed at the World Vision-supported Zamtam clinic to prevent transmission of HIV from mothers to their children.

Ways you can help this World AIDS Day, Dec. 1

>> Make a call to your senators and ask Congress to keep its promises in the global fight against AIDS, especially focusing on the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
>> Donate now to help provide care and support for HIV-infected mothers this World AIDS Day. Your gift will help provide essentials like HIV testing, prenatal and postnatal care to prevent mother-to-child transmission, counseling and education, nutritional awareness, and more.
>> Sponsor a child in a community impacted by the AIDS crisis. Your love and support for a child in need will help provide basic necessities like food, clothing, shelter, education, and healthcare, as well as AIDS-related care and prevention programs.
>> Give monthly to help provide support for children impacted by HIV and AIDS. Your monthly gift will help provide basics like food, clean water, healthcare, education, and more to the children left most vulnerable by this humanitarian crisis.

World Vision Wednesday

In the Washington, D.C. area, World Vision has a number of ministries, from reading programs in schools to a 28,000 square foot storehouse for food for the hungry. To read more and find out how you can help, go here.

World Vision Wednesday

World Vision is involved in the battle against HIV/AIDS, administering programs that help those affected by the disease and advocating for funding. Here you can read an update and find out how you can help.