World Vision Wednesday

Some of the most heart rending stories coming out of the recent natural disasters in Asia are those concerning the children. To read more and find out how you can help go here.

World Vision Wednesday

In another two months, it will be Christmas. If you are looking for a gift that is different from the usual and will help those in need, check this out. It’s a good way to give a gift without getting caught up in the commercialism that Christmas has become.

World Vision Wednesday

World Vision is involved in making lives better all around the world. Here is another success story about a World Vision program to train young women to be midwives in Afghanistan.

World Vision Wednesday

I’m sure you’ve heard of the multiple natural disasters that devastated a number of countries in Asia. If you’ve seen any of the pictures or watched any of the news reports, you have an idea of how bad it is.

If God would so lead you, please give so the people impacted by these disasters can be helped. You can find out how by going here.

World Vision Wednesday

Child sponsorship makes a difference, not only in the life of the child being sponsored, but also in the lives of those around them. This is one of the many success stories.

World Vision Wednesday (on Thursday)

I’m sorry I didn’t get this in yesterday. The day slipped away from me completely.

On September 2, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 struck Indonesia. The damage was severe, and new reports indicate that it is even worse than originally thought. Read the full report here.

World Vision Wednesday

In July, at the G8 summit in Italy, $20 billion was pledged over three years to combat global hunger. In 2005, the G8 leaders promised to increase aid to Africa by $25 billion by 2010. This has not happened. This month the G20 summit will be held in Pennsylvania. World Vision is urging those leaders to take action to meet the first Millennium Development goal of halving the number of hungry people in the world.

Go here to read the rest of the story.

World Vision Wednesday

Anyone can be an advocate for for justice and poverty reduction. You don’t have to have a lot of money, or be an adult to make a difference. Read this story about a teen who found a way to raise money to provide clean water for an impoverished community in northern Ghana.

World Vision Wednesday

Did you know that just $6 provides 2 insecticide treated bed nets that can keep a child from getting malaria? World Vision is one of the organizations that is working to end malaria around the world.

For more information about the program, look at this site.

World Vision Wednesday

“Because World Vision has set an example, I [hope] to pay back by doing social work in order to advocate for the poor and for vulnerable children like me,” says Mayungo.

You can read more of this success story here.