World Vision Wednesday

Here is an interview with a man who participated in the genocide in Rwanda. It is a stunning account of the impact repentance, grace, and forgiveness can have on an individual, and on a nation. It is also a good reminder that we all need forgiveness and reconciliation in our day-to-day.

World Vision Wednesday

It has been twenty years since the genocide in Rwanda. A great deal of healing has taken place, but there is still much that remains to be done. For a report on what has been accomplished, go here.

World Vision Wednesday

World Vision disaster relief experts have identified the top humanitarian crises to keep an eye on in 2014. To see what they are and find out how you can help, see this.

World Vision Wednesday

One of the major problems caused by Typhoon Haiyan was the destruction of clean water sources and sanitation facilities in the Philippines. World Vision is providing help, including generators to restore clean water systems. For more information on their efforts and how you can help, see this.

World Vision Wednesday

When we usually think of prostitution, the image that comes to mind is that of the women involved in the business. Sadly, there are others who are even more vulnerable trapped in brothels in Bangladesh and other countries. See this for the ways World Vision is working to help.