World Vision Wednesday

One of the ways we can help people in deep poverty climb out is by giving a micro loan. A loan enables an individual to begin a business, lifting themselves and others out of poverty. To find out how you can help check this out.

World Vision Wednesday

I’m sorry the posting around here has been almost non-existent lately. There’s a lot going on right now. It’s good stuff, but it’s keeping me pretty busy. Anyway, here is a success story about a former sponsored child showing how much impact giving to World Vision can have.

World Vision Wednesday

Tomorrow is World Malaria Day, a day to remember those who have been devastated by this preventable, treatable disease. Today, World Vision begins a two part series on families affected by this disease. Part 1 is here.

World Vision Wednesday

There is good news in the fight against global poverty. According to a United Nations report, the percentage of people living in extreme poverty around the world fell from 43.1 to 22.4 between 1990 and 2008. World Vision is one of the many groups who have contributed to this success. To read more and find out how you can help, check this out.