World Vision Wednesday

The creation of the nation of South Sudan has not ended the violence in that part of the world. Many of humanitarian organizations have left the town of Bentui, near the border of Sudan and South Sudan. World Vision is one of those organizations that have moved away, although the humanitarian efforts continue. For more, go here.

World Vision Wednesday

One year ago, a tornado devastated the city of Joplin, Missouri. Today, the citizens of Joplin are continuing to rebuild both their homes and their lives. Through World Vision has been on the ground helping the effort in Joplin as well as at other sites across the United States. For a first person account of the devastation and information on how you can help in future disasters, check this out.

World Vision Wednesday

One of the many things we are told to do is give back. If someone has done something for us, we should be willing to pass it along or to give back to them if the time comes. You can read about someone who has done this by going here.

World Vision Wednesday

“For the past month or so, Uganda has seen attention in the media and among the American public that it hasn’t experienced in several years, thanks to the viral video phenomenon ‘Kony2010.'” 

The danger to the children of Uganda is not over, however. Check this out to find out more.

World Vision Wednesday

See how the gift of a cow changed the lives of a family in Sri Lanka

To find out more about giving to help the least of these around the world, see this.

World Vision Wednesday

Tomorrow is World Water Day. Water is something most of us take for granted, but clean water is in short supply in many parts of the world.

From World Vision:
It’s a reality faced by children and entire communities in places like rural Zambia. The absence of clean, safe water can undermine all other efforts to fight poverty in a region. This World Water Day, March 22, we remember the pain that many children face because they don’t have clean water — and how we can help change their situation.”

To find out more, go here.

World Vision Wednesday

Emmaculate Musheini, known as Mama Emma in her village, has five children and is a World Vision community volunteer. To find out more about Mama Emma’s work, read this.

World Vision Wednesday

March 8 is International Women’s Day. Here is an inspiring story of a woman who went from baby refugee to wife, mother, and World Vision staffer.