Weekend Wanderings

It’s a beautiful weekend here in the sunny South! The sun is shining and the air is a bit warmer. Of course, it’s supposed to get pretty chilly on Monday. For some reason we watched the Republican circus the other night. Did anyone else get the feeling from watching that Trump and Cruz were engaging in the middle school girl exercise of arguing over who had the most people liking them?

So much for the political commentary. On to the good stuff:

Good post from Scot McKnight.
Karl Vaters is tired of the show.
Jerry Walls weighs in on the Same God controversy.
New healthy foods for 2016.
This is a great idea!

Top five religious trends for 2016?
John Barclay on Paul and grace.
3 signs it’s time to make a change.
This is good news.
There is hope.

He never left.
Wonder or doubt.
Doctrine or idolatry?

Zack Hunt asks a question.

That’s all for now. Have a blessed week!

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